TCFP Driver Operator-Pumper Course

Driver Operator - Pumper Course

Course Instruction/Information:

Driver/Operator is an individual who has met the requirements of NFPA 1002, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications and has the knowledge, skills, and abilities to drive and operate an apparatus by having and maintaining a knowledge of:

  • Apparatus inspections and basic maintenance
  • Best practices for ensuring the safety of all personnel riding in the apparatus while it’s in motion
  • Techniques for safe driving of an apparatus to and from an incident scene
  • Appropriate positioning of the apparatus to maximize effectiveness
  • Techniques for safe operation of apparatus equipment and components

Course Cost: $250.00

To pay for the course, please use this PayPal link.

Required Textbooks:


For this course, we will be using the IFSTA, Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver. Operator Handbook, 3rd edition. All students are required to provide their own textbook. ISBN # 978-0-87939-571-1

Books can be purchased by using one of the below links:

Purchase through IFSTA Purchase through Amazon

If you are interested in taking the Driver Operator - Pumper course, please fill out the form below.

Driver Operator - Pumper

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